Welcome to the sacred & wild journey of embracing your own spiritual misfit-ness.

Spirituality is foundational to every human. And maybe you’re finding yourself in a place where the religious institutions/church doesn’t quite fit or is uncomfortable or even painful. We all have our own flavor of spirituality that is begging to be embraced. Befriending your own misfit spirituality is a liberating homecoming.

If ya want some company and guidance on finding your way home to yourself, reimagining your faith, and experiencing freedom and healing in embracing your own spiritual misfit-ness…this is the place!

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Meet the founding misfit…

Yo beautiful people!

Call me Jess or Hansen, either way, I’ll respond. So glad you’re here! Look, organized religion has done messed up some things and harmed many. I am an educator, guide, healer, and spiritual misfit that has the audacity to believe everybody has the right and ability to cultivate a spiritual life rooted in genuine connection, liberation, and their own inner goodness.

Read my story>

Beliefs & values that guide my work:

What Other Misfits Are Saying…


“Jess intuitively creates a safe space for me to explore who I am and my unique experience with God. My work with Jess has transformed my spirituality, my self awareness, and the ways I care for myself. Regardless of your religious beliefs or faith background, Jess is able to meet you where you’re at in your spiritual journey and gently challenge you to grow in deep, meaningful ways.”

— S.W.


“Having a very timid relationship with my own spirituality while also yearning for a deeper connection, I was feeling a loss on how to restore my faith. Through being inquisitive, patient, and encouraging Jess had the ability to help me navigate my feelings surrounding my “spiritual stuckness” and offered me tools on how I can recognize and embody my own personal moments with spirit. My heart and soul feel much more expansive and I am forever grateful for the opportunity to work through tough and vulnerable moments with such a kind human.”

— Jo H.

“I’ve never identified with a particular religious practice, but working with Jess has allowed me to discover, explore, and put words to the inherent spirituality I experience in my artistic practice and the natural world. Working with her has helped me navigate complex experiences and decisions while feeling grounded, centered in my body, and open to universal guidance.”

— M.H.


“‘Will you pray for me?’ is a request I often hear myself ask from Jess at the end of our sessions. It is a surprise to me, because there were times I thought I would never ask that from anyone again…that I would never be vulnerable to receive well-intended prayers because when growing up prayers from loved ones were seasoned with sharp jabs for my multiple "othernesses." Jess is a sweet companion, helping me open to receiving prayers and conversing with Jesus again.”

— K.S.